Friday, September 21, 2012

12 Little Donuts

I found this idea on Inner Child Fun and it is basically cute overload.  These donuts {please do not fall out of your chairs!} are made of socks from the dollar store. You cut the toe off, roll them, and decorate - check out the Inner Child Fun link for the details.

I adapted the familiar rhyme so many of us use already:

12 little donuts in the donut shop
Yummy and warm with sprinkles on top
____ came along with a quarter to pay
She took one home and ate it right away...Yum! Yum!

Don't eat too many donuts!

Flannel Friday is what today is about and you can read about it on Flannel Friday's own website!  Sharon at Rain Makes Applesauce is today's round-up hostess, and Pinterst is THE place for Flannel Friday overload!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Flannel Friday: Dear Zoo in 3D

I thought it might be fun to do a 3D version of the classic Dear Zoo, using some of the finger puppets I have on hand.  I tried really hard to find a small finger puppet snake, but I had to settle for a rubber one instead.  I found this cute box at the Dollar Tree and shoved my little animals in there (verrry tight squeeze!)  I'm going to have my eye out for a bigger box.

In telling the story, I just repeated the refrain from the book using the animals I chose.  It's a flexible way to tell it, and you can use any animals you have on hand.

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet
and they sent me ____________!
He was too _______ , so I sent him back.

(you end with a dog - who is "perfect!" and you keep him!)

Flannel Friday is the fun we are having today - you can read about it here

Loons and Quines is our host for the day.

And Pinterest, of course, is the place for the best Flannel Friday eye candy!