Friday, October 19, 2012

Flannel Friday: Pizza Chant!

Pizza Chant

8 pieces of pizza
tasty as can be,
______ can eat a slice
but leave some for me!

Yum, yum, that was fun!
We love a pizza party.

Today is Flannel Friday! Check that link for more info.  Miss Mollie is the hostess for today and all contributors will be pinned on our Pinterest page - yay!


  1. Adorable! Will need to do this with Pete's a Pizza! ~ jane

  2. You can also do a variation on BINGO -- as PIZZA has the same number of letters. Cut your flannel pizza into five slices (a little tricky -- but can be done) -- and then take one slice away for every letter you leave off.

    There was a pizza it was mine,
    Every slice was mine-o
    P I Z Z A, P I Z Z A, P I Z Z A
    And every slice was mine-o.
